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Hair Transplants Abroad

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 4 Dec 2010 | comments*Discuss
Hair Abroad Surgery Scalp Hair

Hair transplants abroad have become a very popular treatment for both men and women. Hair loss can occur either naturally or as a result of certain medical conditions, and many people are understandably worried when hair loss happens. If the problem is a permanent one then hair transplants can be the only solution to regaining a full head of hair.

What Causes Hair Loss?

There are a number of reasons why hair loss will occur with the most common showing as inherited male or female pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness can begin at an early age and is usually signified by a receding hair line and thinning hair at the back of the head. Female pattern baldness will usually be signified by thinning hair over the full scalp area. Other reasons for hair loss can include:
  • Hormonal problems such as an under or over active thyroid gland
  • Hair loss caused by taking certain medications
  • Medical problems such as diabetes can cause hair loss
  • Medical conditions such as alopecia

Are Hair Transplants A Permanent Solution?

If hair loss is permanent then there are a number of different solutions to treat this condition. There are non surgical treatments that can be prescribed that can slow down hair loss. However, at the moment, hair transplants are the only known permanent solution to the problem of baldness. The procedure is designed to restore the hair onto parts of the head where hair loss is occurring or has occurred completely. The end result should be thicker looking hair with no tell tale signs of baldness.

The Hair Restoration Procedure

The hair transplant procedure involves taking hair and tissue from parts of the head, usually at the back, and transplanting them to the area where balding has occurred. The procedure, commonly know as grafting is where the surgeon will take either a micrograft, which is a larger hair area, or a minigraft, which is a smaller amount, and transplanting to the scalp where hair loss is predominant. Although there are different transplant methods, the procedures will all usually involve transplanting healthy strong hair to areas of the scalp where balding has occurred and then building up the bald areas.

Costs Of Hair Transplants Abroad

Fees for hair restoration surgery will vary, mainly on the amount of grafts that are needed and the type of transplant procedure. However, hair restoration procedures abroad are usually around a third of the price of the same treatments in the UK. Many of the specialist hair clinics will be able to arrange flights for patients, and accommodation will usually be at a discounted rate.

How To Choose Your Hair Clinic

Finding a reputable hair clinic is important to guarantee the best service and safety possible. Medical service providers that specialise in cosmetic surgery treatments should be able to recommend and arrange treatments through specialist hair clinics abroad. Undertaking your own research should also include inquiring how long the clinic has been established and checking the credentials of the surgeons involved. Surgeons will need to have graduated from medical school and then have specialised training in their own field. Do not take qualifications for granted, and always ask for verification.

Countries Where Hair Clinics Can Be Found

There are numerous countries that have specialist hair restoration clinics. Choosing a country with a short flight time from the UK should mean cheaper and more frequent flights. Cheaper and quicker flights are essential if you are to return to the clinic for further treatments. Countries near to the UK with hair clinics include Germany, Turkey, Spain, France and Norway. Medical service providers should be able to provide the best flight options, but you should also undertake your own flight comparison searches on the internet.

Hair loss can be an embarrassing and stressful problem for a great number of people and can seriously be detrimental to a person’s confidence. Doctors may be able to prescribe medication that can help after undertaking a full medical examination. Professional advice should always be sought before committing to any type of medical surgery abroad including hair transplants.

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